GPRE High Speed Door
The GPRE High Speed Door is a large interior door for areas with high traffic and the need for quick opening and closing manoeuvres.
Its easy and quick installation makes this door suitable for any industrial sector: agri-food, logistics, automotive, pharmaceuticals...
It has standard security systems with IP68 photocell barriers and IF10VF Infraca control panel with frequency inverter.
Features: GPRE High Speed Door
The GPRE High Speed Door is a large interior door for areas with high traffic and the need for quick opening and closing manoeuvres.
Its easy and quick installation makes this door suitable for any industrial sector.
Colors: White, Yellow, Orange, Red, Grey, Green, Navy Blue or Customised
Finishes: PVC canvas with high resistance interwoven nylon, weight 950g/m2, with transparent window 400 x 1200mm.
Estructure: Guides and lintel of anodised extruded aluminium
Sealing system: Sistema de guiado protegido por perfil de PE especial de bajo coeficiente de fricción
Automatism: Standard motor: 3x230 VAC+PE, 05 hp, 160 rpm, IP54 Opening and closing speed between 1.1 and 1.3 m/s. Low noise gears. Infraca IF10VF control panel with frequency inverter.
Clear opening height: Max. 6m
Clear opening length: Max. 5m
Doors are supplied pre-installed and with all screws and fastening hardware.
Easy programming and adjustment.
Low maintenance.
Unique safety system.
Time and cost savings.
Easy and very fast installation, with front access to fixings and wiring.
Guiding system protected by special PE profile with low friction coefficient.